Dad Jokes

A celebration of the delightfully-terrible Dad Joke! These may not be great jokes but every time you share a good bad joke with your kids you are making a great moment.

A celebration of the delightfully-terrible Dad Joke! These may not be great jokes but every time you share a good bad joke with your kids you are making a great moment.

  • Why aren't koalas really bears?  Because they don't meet the koalafications.
  • Why did the bunny go to the hospital?   Because he needed a hopperation.
  • Why did the math book look so sad?  Because it had so many problems.
  • Why did the pelican get kicked out of the restaurant?  Because it of his big bill.
  • What did the candle say to the other candle?  You wanna go out tonight?
  • What did the bee say when he was amazed?  Un-bee-lievable!
  • What do elves learn in kindergarten?  The elf-abet.
  • Why did the clock get in trouble at school?  Because he "tocked" a lot.
  • Would you like to hear a pizza joke?   Never mind. It's too cheesy.
  • What did the football coach say to the vending machine?   I need a quarter back.
  • What happens when a frog's car breaks down?  It gets toad.
  • Why are movie stars so cool?  Because they have so many fans.
  • Two muffins are sitting in an oven. The first muffin says, "It's hot in here." The second muffin screams, "Ahhh! A talking muffin."
  • Why did the cat run away from the tree?  Because of its bark.
  • Why did the cat get kicked out of the computer store?  He kept playing with the mouse.
  • Why do you have to be careful when it's raining cats and dogs?  Because you might step in a poodle
  • I used to really hate facial hair.  Then one day, it grew on me.
  • How many apples grow on an apple tree?   All of them.
  • Do you know the name of the boy wizard that loved to play golf?  Harry Putter.
  • Why do bees hum?   Because they don't know the words.
  • What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?   Frost-bitten.
  • Why did the astronaut move to the suburbs?   He wanted more space.
  • Hear about the guy that stayed up all night wondering where the sun had gone?   It finally dawned on him.
  • Did you hear about the world's greatest watch thief?  He stole all the time.
  • Why did the golf course hire the dermatologist?  It needed to have some moles removed.
  • Where do fancy cats go to the bathroom?   The glitter box.
  • Why do optimists have to wear sunglasses?   Because they're always looking on the bright side.
  • Have you heard about the sale at the Optimist Store?   Everything's 50% on.
  • Did you hear the one about the Ballerina Debate Team?   They always stay on point.
  • What's big and hairy and wears a bow tie?  Bigfoot at a fancy party.
  • Why did the pizza cutter get a speeding ticket?   Because he was rounding the corner too fast